Pray in Secret

Samuel Chadwick

Samuel Chadwick was a wonderful preacher—among the best, a deeply spiritual writer and editor of the Joyful News publication and professor and Principal of Cliff College in England. A Wesleyan Methodist, his books on the Holy Spirit, prayer and perfection are wonderful. These quotes come from his book on prayer.

“God wills that men should pray everywhere, but the place of His glory is in the solitudes, where He hides us in the cleft of the rock, and talks with man face to face as a man taketh with his friend.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 23

“God is in secret. Let the first act be to affirm the fact of the Holy Presence. Call every faculty of mind and body to remembrance, recognition, and realization of the God the tis in secret and teeth in secret.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 24

“Our Lord gave His disciples a form and order of prayer, and it does not begin with either song or supplication, but with the contemplation of God: ‘Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.’ It is in this way all the great prayers of the Bible begin. That is how I find it helpful to begin. I think in adoring love and wonder of His Character and Attributes, of His Majesty and Might, of His Grace and Glory.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 24

“I never take any book but the Bible into the secret place. It is my Prayer-book. I seek no external aids to devotion. … I have no altar but the one within the veil. … I feed upon it by searching its truth, appropriating its affirmations, and turning its Psalms and prayers into personal thanksgiving and supplication.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 25

“The habit should be to kneel, but conditions of health and soul will dictate their own posture. It is fitting that we should ‘kneel before the Lord our Maker.’” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 25

“I find it good to rehearse and review my daily life in the Holy Presence. It is there I make my plans.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 25

“It is the place of intercession. That is the place where we can all freely with God about other people.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 26

“We pray as sons and daughters in the Father’s House. He knows our need better than we can tell Him, and He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think; therefore ask in confidence, nothing doubting. It is in the secret place we learn that silence is the best speech and listening is the best part of praying.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 26

“There can be no experience of heart speech and soul fellowship without a consciousness of a Presence. The soul cannot live in a vacuum. The Father is in secret, but it is the glory of His Presence that makes the sanctuary.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 28

“In the Holy Place the Scriptures are received as the ‘living, sovereign Word of God.’ … the soul in prayer comes to the Word that it may find God, and to the soul at prayer it is the infallible, sovereign, saving Word of God.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 29

“It is best to have no book but the Bible, that the Scripture may be interpreted by Scripture. I find it well to take the sayings of Psalmist and Prophet and turn them into prayers.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 32

“I advise that be studied in short portions, lest prayer become secondary in the place consecrated to prayer.” Samuel Chadwick, Path of Prayer, 35