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Path2Prayer Ministries is a faith-based ministry that seeks to deeply study the things of God and share them widely in easy to understand ways, with a particular interest in practical subjects such as prayer, overcoming, revival, relationships, raising children, Bible prophecy and knowing God's will. We believe practical edification on these subjects is sorely needed, and have therefore studied and developed materials to facilitate such study. Over time we have given more and more of our time to this work, eventually turning our backs on other work as much as possible, and devoting ourselves entirely to this edifying and reviving work. Over time we have also increasingly added to the kinds of resources available, going from sermons, to sermons with handouts, to the video projects that we are beginning to do. In all of this God has blessed and we rejoice to be able to work for Him. God has been faithful and has sustained us.

Pray For Us

One of the nicest things you can do is pray for us. We need God's blessings on our health, our travel, our ministry, our relationship. Your prayers make a significant difference for us. Thank you.

Write us

We would love to hear from you. Do you have a question? A comment? Contact Us

Encourage Us

If you have been blessed at any of the meetings we have held, or in studying printed, digital or other resources, or found the websites helpful, please let us know.

Give Us Feedback

We want to serve God through this ministry. Your suggestions can greatly up us in preparing materials and providing them to the world field.

Help Us Financially

We have developed resources that are used by people in many places in the world.  These resources have been printed and made available on a no-cost or donation basis. We have also held meetings in many places in the world, some of which the travel costs are paid for by the organizations that have invited us, in some cases by ourselves since the organizations are unable to help. Because we have intentionally chosen to be underemployed to maximize our ability to develop and provide resources, and to go various places to hold meetings, we depend on the help of God's friends to make our ministry possible. If you are one of those people, we are so very very grateful for your role in making this ministry possible.


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