J. Gregory Mantle

Writer on Victory




J. Gregory Mantle (1853 - 1925) served as a pastor in England and America, was a popular speaker at deeper life gatherings including Keswick, and spent the last 12 years of his life in America where his work included teaching at the Missionary Institute at Nyack-on-Hudson. He was a friend of A. B. Simpson and was affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

His Books

Mantle wrote a variety of books including, Beyond Humiliation: the Way of the Cross; Better Things; The Counterfeit Christ; According to the Pattern; Taps; Guarding the Outposts (a later printing of Taps); God's Tomorrow. My favorite is Beyond Humiliation: The Way of the Cross. This book is about dying to self and is wonderful. It was in reading this book that I became acquainted with Gerhard Tersteegen.—Dan

Beyond Humiliation: The Way of the Cross



Beyond Humiliation: The Way of the Cross was first published in 1896. A second edition was published one year later. It was a very popular and helpful book as noted in Mantle's preface to the second edition:

"The cordial reception given to the first edition of this book, and the constant demand for it now that it is out of print, is sufficient to warrant the issue of a second edition. I gratefully acknowledge the welcome given to the book by the reviewers, who have represented nearly every section of the Christian Church. Dr. Elder Cumming ventures to express the hope “that the ranks may now be closed of those who teach the same truth, in varying words and forms.” If I were able to contribute in the smallest degree to the fulfillment of this hope, my rejoicing would be great indeed. Many testimonies have reached me from far and near of definite blessing received through pondering these pages. To God alone be all the glory. This edition has been carefully revised, and is sent forth with prayer and hope on what I trust may prove a mission of still greater usefulness."


1.   The All-Methodical God

2.   A Mixed Life

3.   The Light of the Cross

4.   The Idol Self

5.   Self and Sin

6.   The Inward Cross

7.  The Victims of the Cross

8.   The World and the Cross

9.   The Gate of the Cross

10. The Fruit of the Cross

11. The Gains of the Cross

12. Beauty for Ashes

13. The Dying Life

14. The Risen Life

15. Married to Another

16. “Not I, but Christ”

17. Reckoning at the Cross

18. The School of Obedience

19. The Tests of Obedience

20. Step by Step

21. The Cross Day by Day

Other Books

Guarding the Outposts

This book for young men first appeared as Taps, and was intended for young men during times of war. After the war ended, some chapters were dropped because they were no longer appropriate.