Certainty of Answered Prayer

“...you will have them”

Directory: Certainty of Answered Prayer

E. M. Bounds: Certainty of Answers

E. M. Bounds: Wonders of Answered Prayer

Andrew Murray: The Certainty of Answers to Prayer

James McConkey: If You Ask I Will do


2Chron 7: 14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Mark 11: 24 “Whatever things you ask, when you pray, believe that you have received them, and you will have them.” 

1 John 5: 14,15: “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

Others Writers

Anonymous Christian:

“‘If we would do much for God, we must ask much of God; we must be men of prayer.’ (Payson) If our prayers are not answered—always answered but not necessarily granted—the fault must be entirely in ourselves and not in God. God delights to answer prayer, and He has given us His word that He will answer.” Anonymous Christian, Kneeling Christian, p. 22.

“God means every prayer to have an answer. Not a single real prayer can fail of its effect in heaven.... God’s answer to prayer may be ‘Yes,’ or it may be ‘No.’ It may be ‘Wait,’ for it may be that He plans a much larger blessing than we imagined, and one that involves other lives as well as our own.” Anonymous Christian, p. 87.

Charles Finney:

“All the history of the Church shows that when God answers prayer He gives His people the very thing for which their prayers are offered. God confers blessings on both saints and sinners, which they do not pray for at all.... But when He answers prayer, it is by doing what they ask Him to do.” Charles Finney, Lectures on Revival.

Robert Murray M’Cheyne:

“Oh, there is nothing that I would have you to be more sure of than this, that ‘God hears and answers prayer.’ There never was, and never will be, a believing prayer left unanswered.” Robert Murray M’Cheyne, Memoir and Remains of R M M’Cheyne, (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1973) p. 229.

Andrew Murray:

“He wants to impress deep on our minds this one truth, that we may and must most confidently expect an answer to our prayer. Next to the revelation of the Father’s love, there is in the whole course of the school of prayer, not a more important lesson than this: ‘Everyone that asketh, receiveth.’” Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer, (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1979), p. 21.

“In all Scripture, the chief thing in prayer (is) the assurance that prayer will be heard and answered.” Andrew Murray, p. 32.

“It is one of the terrible marks of the diseased state of Christian life in these days, that there are so many who rest content without the distinct experience of answer to prayer. They pray daily, they ask many things, and trust that some of them will be heard, but know little of direct definite answer to prayer as the rule of daily life.” Andrew Murray, p. 32.

“(God) would tell us that we are not to rest without an answer because it is the will of God, the rule in the Father’s family: every childlike believing petition is granted. If no answer comes, we are not to sit down in the sloth that calls itself resignation, and suppose that it is not God’s will to give an answer. There must be something in the prayer that is not as God would have it...; we must seek for grace to pray so that the answer may come. It is far easier to the flesh to submit without the answer than to yield itself to be searched and purified by the Spirit, until it has learnt to pray the prayer of faith.” Andrew Murray, p. 34.

“The proof that we have prayed aright is the answer. If we ask and receive not, it is because we have not learned to pray aright.” Andrew Murray, p. 33.

Sir H. M. Stanley (Famous Explorer):

“I for one must not dare to say that prayers are inefficacious. Where I have been in earnest, I have been answered.” Quoted by Anonymous Christian, p. 94.

Ellen White:

“Christ says, ‘Whatever things you ask, when you pray, believe that you have received them and you will have them.’ Mark 11: 24 He makes it plain that our asking must be according to God’s will; we must ask for the things that He has promised, and whatever we receive must be used in doing His will. The conditions met, the promise is unequivocal.” Ellen White, Education, pp. 257, 258.

“If (we) have complied with the conditions upon which these promises are based, God’s word is pledged that He will do for (us) more than (we) ask.” Ellen White, Morning Talks, November 1883, p. 14.

Directory: Certainty of Answered Prayer


E. M. Bounds: Certainty of Answers

E. M. Bounds: Wonders of Answered Prayer

Andrew Murray: The Certainty of Answers to Prayer

James McConkey: If You Ask I Will do#


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