Love Stories of Great Christians


Hudson and Maria Taylor
Hudson and Maria Taylor


"He never saw her at any time after she became his wife, without a new feeling of delight."

George Müller speaking of his first wife Mary.


A wonderful and much appreciated aspect of Church history for me is the study of the love stories of great Christians. Many of the most successful agents for God were very happily married. A few that come to mind are Hudson and Maria Taylor, George and Mary Müller and Charles and Sarah Wesley. You will find delight in reading their stories, inspired to have a great marriage if you are married, and seek God's choice if you are contemplating marriage.—Dan


Their Love Stories

The Love Story of François and Christine Coillard

This is a wonderful and very romantic love story that speaks of God's ability to bring about an amazing match in spite of impossible circumstances. The Coillards served in southern Africa in the 1800s.

The Love Story of James and Emily Gilmour

This is a wonderfully romantic story of James seeking a wife on the "faith plan," and how God brought about a wonderful partnership in a miracle way, that brought great joy to His heart.

Adoniram and Ann Judson: Their Love Story

Their betrothal was preceded by a letter from Judson to His prospective father-in-law if he was willing to part with his daughter for the rest of his life. This is a wonderful and very inspiring story of great love that brought about great achievements in missions.

David Livingstone and Mary: Their Love Story

David avoided marriage initially, but when he finally married Mary Moffat, he became an ardent lover. Read about his experience in this short story by Belle Brain.


Books on Marriage From Great Christians

F. B. Meyer: Lovers Always