Prayer Changes Things

S. D. Gordon

Prayer Changes Things is made up of three addresses given at the Annual Meeting of the South African General Mission April l0th 1910, in King's Hall, Halborn, London.



"What Then?"

I.  Prayer Changes Things 

II.  New Spelling For The Word "Ask"

III.  Pitching Tent On Olivet


"What Then?"

"He is counting on you."

He has need of your life

In the thick of the strife;

For that weak one may fall

If you fail at His call.

He is counting on you,

If you fail Him — What then?

"He is counting on you."


On your silver and gold,

On that treasure you hold;

On that treasure still kept,

Though the doubt o'er you swept.

"Is this gold not all mine?"

"Lord, I knew it was Thine."

He is counting on you,

If you fail Him — What then?

"He is counting on you."


On a love that will share

In His burden of prayer;

For the souls He has bought

With His life-blood; and sought

Through His sorrow and pain

To win "Home" yet again.

He is counting on you,

If you fail Him — What then?

"He is counting on you."


On life, money and prayer;

And "the day shall declare"

If you let Him have all

In response to His call;

Or if He in that day,

To your sorrow must say,

"I had counted on you,

But you failed Me" — What then?

"He is counting on you."


Oh! the wonder and grace,

To look Christ in the face

And not be ashamed;

For you gave what He claimed,

And you laid down your all

For His sake — at His call.

He had counted on you,

And you failed not — What then?”

—Bessie Porter Head.



Prayer Changes Things Table of Contents

"What Then?"

I.  Prayer Changes Things 

II.  New Spelling For The Word "Ask"

III.  Pitching Tent On Olivet