Books of Andrew Murray


Andrew Murray's books are available in fifteen languages. It is said that he wrote 240 books, but that number includes all the translated books. They were initially dictated to his wife because he was unable to write clearly. Later he also dictated to his daughter. Most of the books were initially written and published in Dutch. Later his books were translated into English and other languages.

Writing His Books

"His methods of work during the latter years of his life are thus described by his daughter: 'He sits up very straight in his study chair, and dictates in a loud, clear voice, as though he were actually addressing his audience. His hours of work are usually from 9 or 10 till 11 in the forenoon, during which time two or three chapters of a book are completed. He is very particular about punctuation, and always says: "New paragraph," pointing with long, slender finger to the exact spot on the paper where the new line must commence, "fullstop," "comma," "colon," "semi-colon," as the sense may require. Should his secretary perpetrate some mistake or other in spelling, he would make some playful remark like: "You will have to go back to the kindergarten, you know." At 11 o'clock he would say: "Now give me ten minutes' rest; or no, let us write some letters for a change." Then half a dozen letters would be quickly dictated, in reply to requests for prayer for healing, for the conversion of unconverted relations, for the deliverance of friends addicted to drink, or, it might be, business letters. He always dictated in a tone of great earnestness, and was specially anxious to get a great deal into a page. "Write closer, closer," he often repeated. When near the end of the foolscap page, he said: "Now the last four lines for a prayer"; and then he would fold his hands, close his eyes, and actually pray the prayer which ended the written meditation."

Forty-six Books To Download

William Law / Andrew Murray: Dying to Self


William Law / Andrew Murray: Wholly For God


Walter Marshall / Andrew Murray: Gospel Mystery of Sanctification (Abridged)


Andrew Murray: Abide in Christ ***


Andrew Murray: Absolute Surrender ****


Andrew Murray: Be Perfect


Andrew Murray: Children for Christ


Andrew Murray: Dearth of Conversions


Andrew Murray: Deeper Christian Life A5


Andrew Murray: Divine Healing **


Andrew Murray: Fruit of the Vine


Andrew Murray: Full Blessing of Pentecost


Andrew Murray: Have Mercy on Me


Andrew Murray: Holiest of All


Andrew Murray: Holy in Christ


Andrew Murray: Humility


Andrew Murray: In My Name


Andrew Murray: Inner Chamber


Andrew Murray: Jesus Himself


Andrew Murray: Key to the Missionary Problem


Andrew Murray: Let Us Draw Nigh (Hebrews)


Andrew Murray: Like Christ


Andrew Murray: Lord Teach us to Pray


Andrew Murray: Lord's Table


Andrew Murray: Love Made Perfect


Andrew Murray: The Master's Indwelling ****


Andrew Murray: Ministry of Intercession


Andrew Murray: Money A5


Andrew Murray: Mystery of the True Vine ***


Andrew Murray: New Life (For new Christians)


Andrew Murray: Out of His Fulness


Andrew Murray: Power of the Blood A5


Andrew Murray: Power of the Spirit


Andrew Murray: Prayer Life A5 ****


Andrew Murray: Prophet Priest


Andrew Murray: School of Obedience


Andrew Murray: Secret of the Cross A5


Andrew Murray: Spirit of Christ


Andrew Murray: Spiritual Life


Andrew Murray: The Supreme Need


Andrew Murray: Thy Will Be Done A5


Andrew Murray: True Vine


Andrew Murray: Waiting On God


Andrew Murray: Why Do You Not Believe A5


Andrew Murray: With Christ in the School of Prayer A5 ****


Andrew Murray: Within (or Kingdom of God Within)


Andrew Murray: Working For God A5


Andrew Murray: Year Book