Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret


1832, May 21. James Hudson Taylor born in Barnsley, Yorkshire, England.

1849, June. Conversion, followed by call to life service.

1850, May. Beginning medical studies in Hull as assistant to Dr. Robert Hardey.

1853, September 19. Sailed for China, as an agent of the Chinese Evangelization Society.

1850-1864. The Taiping Rebellion.

1854, March 1. Hudson Taylor landed in Shanghai.

1854-1855. Ten evangelistic journeys.

1855, Oct.-Nov. First home “inland”: six weeks on the island of Tsungming.

1855-1856. Seven months with the Rev. William C. Burns.

1856, October. Settlement at Ningpo.

1857, June. Resignation from the Chinese Evangelization Society.

1858, January 20. Marriage to Miss Maria J. Dyer.

1859, September. Undertook charge of Dr. Parker’s hospital, Ningpo.

1860, Summer. Return to England on first furlough.

1860-1865. Hidden years.

1865, June 25. Surrender at Brighton, and prayer for twenty-four fellow-workers for inland China.

1866, December. Settlement of the Lammermuir Party in Hangchow.

1867, August 23. Death of little Gracie.

1868, August 22. The Yangchow Riot.

1869, September 4. Entered into The Exchanged Life: “God has made me a new man!”

1870, July 23. Death of Mrs. Hudson Taylor (“nee” Dyer).

1872, March. Retirement of Mr. W. Berger.

1872, August 6. Formation of the London Council of the China Inland Mission.

1872, October 9. Return to China with Mrs. Taylor (“nee” Faulding).

1874, January 27. Recorded prayer for pioneer missionaries for the nine unevangelized provinces.

1874, June. Opening, with Mr. Judd, the western branch of the Mission in Wuchang.

1874, July 26. Death of Miss Emily Blatchley.

1874-1875, Winter. The Lowest Ebb: Mr. Taylor laid aside in England, paralyzed.

1875, January. Appeal for prayer for eighteen pioneers for the nine unevangelized provinces.

1876, September 13. Signing of the Chefoo Convention.

1876-1878. Widespread evangelistic journeys throughout inland China.

1878, Autumn. Mrs. Taylor leads the advance of women missionaries to the far interior.

1879, Autumn. Mrs. George Nicoll and Mrs. G. W. Clarke pioneer the way for women’s work in western China.

1881, May. Death of Mrs. George King, at Hanchung.

1881, November. The appeal for The Seventy (Wuchang).

1885, February 5. Going out of The Cambridge Party.

1886, November 13-26. First meeting of the China Council, and appeal for The Hundred (Anking).

1887, December. Visit to England of Mr. Henry W. Frost, inviting Mr. Taylor to the United States.

1888, Summer. Mr. Taylor’s first visit to North America.

1889, October. The widest outlook of his life: “To Every Creature.”

1889, November. First visits to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

1890, August. First visit to Australia.

1900, May. Beginning of the “Boxer” outbreak.

1900, August. Mr. D. E. Hoste appointed as Acting General Director.

1902, November. Mr. Taylor resigned Directorate to Mr. D. E. Hoste.

1904, July 30. Mrs. Hudson Taylor’s death in Switzerland.

1905, February. Mr. Taylor’s return to China on last visit.

1905, June 3. Home-call, from Hunan. 

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