
Welcome to our updated website!

Path2Prayer is an online oasis of Bible-based spirituality of the most God-honoring kind. Learn about great Christians, read their sermons and books; discover why they made such a blessed difference. Then apply what you learn and become a spiritual giant yourself. This is a  must read site!

We are transitioning from an old style website to a new responsive website that allows people to easily read on any size device. Because the old website had more than 1,000 pages, making the transition is a huge project. Accordingly, this site will be a work in progress.

We believe we have one of the largest collections of documents available on the internet from some of the famous Christians we feature.

We hope you are greatly blessed with what you find.

Please continue checking back to see our progress. Eventually there will be more than 1,000 pages of resources.—Dan

Featured Resource: Goforth of China

Jonathan Goforth is one of my favorite missionary heroes. His conversion, his immediate efforts to start evangelizing in his church, starting family worship since his father was not converted, his supposed fanaticism at Knox College, where he immediately began evangelizing in the poorer districts, eventually visiting more than 900 homes in his "district," his marriage to Rosalind and his proposal including God would always have the last word, their journey to China in  1888 and the adventures there, to say nothing of his studying the methods of Charles Finney and duplicating them in China, makes for a highly instructive reading. Written by his wife Rosalind, you will learn much from Jonathan. You should also reads How I Know God Answers Prayer by Rosalind. You can also read it in Portuguese: Como sei que Deus responde a oração Rosalind Goforth. Rose and I spent many hours in the archives at Wheaton College reading his letters and other document on the early days of our honeymoon. After reading his books you will understand why. Here are two more books that will interest you (the latter if you read Portuguese).

How I Know God Answers Prayer by Rosalind Goforth

Como sei que Deus responde a oração

(This is the Portuguese translation.)


Ten Most Recent Additions and Updates to Path2Prayer

The ten most recent additions are automatically listed here, with a description most of the time. A new listing can mean new content, updated content, or content merely edited. 


Path2Prayer is an online oasis of Bible-based spirituality of the most God-honoring kind. Learn about great Christians, read their sermons and books; discover why they made such a blessed difference. Then apply what you learn and become a spiritual giant yourself. This is a must read site!

Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth

Find a wealth of information, sermons and resources on Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth, missionaries and revivalists in China and other countries.

George Müller: God's Guidance

Learn from George Müller about discovering God's will and being guided by Him in making important decisions in your life. His teaching is clear in every way!

Hudson Taylor: Exchanged Life

Hudson Taylor discovered a new experience with Christ that has come to be known as the "exchanged life." On this page you can read what was communicated, see snippets of letters and find a link to the book that the original quote on holiness came from.

J. Hudson Taylor: Pioneer Missionary to China

Find one of the largest collections of sermons, books and other resources on J. Hudson Taylor, a missions-innovator, deeply spiritual writer and speaker, founder of the China Inland Mission, who brought Christianity to all 18 provinces of China, bringing about the conversions of 18,000 people.

Books of F. B. Meyer

F. B. Meyer was a very popular speaker at Keswick and other conventions. On this page you will find more than 35 of his books that you can download and read.

Titus Coan: Revivalist Missionary in Hawaii

Titus Coan was one of the most successful missionaries that ever served. In fact, he eventually had the largest church on the face of planet earth. On this page you will learn some of the secrets that made him so effective.